Saturday, April 12, 2008

Goat Arrival - 11-Apr-08

On 11-Apr-2008, we welcome another group of Boer Goats from NSW Australia

1. F1-F3 Doe (White Head)

2) Purebreed F5-F6 Doe (Brown Head)

3) Registered FullBlood Doe

4) Registered FullBlood Buck

Picture Taken in Australia Farm and Isolation

Di KLIA Animal Hotel

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Goat Arrival - 04-Apr-08

Finally, the First Batch of Australia Boer Goat Arrived at KTL Farm


At KTL Farm...
tengah makan rumput napier

Registered FB Boer Buck

Crossed Boer Doe F4

Castrated Boer Buck For Sales


Bersama Supplier Kami