This is the satellite view of the Goat Farming Project Location. The Goat Barn (300' x 70') will be build on Lot 2177, while the Napier Grass will be focus on the Plot 8.
The entire Lot 2173 & 2177 will be surrounded by 3 rows of Rubber tree (one of the conditions of getting the subsidy from RISDA under rubber replantation scheme). The rest of the land will be plant with quick return plant such as Vegetables, Banana, Chili and etc.
The entire Lot 2173 & 2177 will be surrounded by 3 rows of Rubber tree (one of the conditions of getting the subsidy from RISDA under rubber replantation scheme). The rest of the land will be plant with quick return plant such as Vegetables, Banana, Chili and etc.